Feng Shui Consultants of Boca Raton and Zen Appeal's
Feng Shui Tip of the Month
September 2023
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Feng Shui Your Way to a New Job
Feng Shui is the best tool to help you find a new job or new career, whether you have a job now or not. Through Feng Shui you can look at your home, yourself, and make some minor adjustments that will get you major returns - a shorter job search and a more successful job search. What are you waiting for? See your career opportunities improve with your new Feng Shui eyes now.
A Clear Path to a Successful Job Search - If you own a house, is the outside path completely unobstructed? Inside your home, is there a clear path throughout your home? When there are physical obstacles inside your home for you to trip on or whack your hip into, they symbolize you putting obstacles in front of yourself in life. The last things you need in a job search are obstacles, and these are the kind that YOU can remove! Pick up anything on the floor and move (or have someone else do it for you) any offending furniture. And speaking of paths, your life path probably does not seem all that clear right now. The Pi Yao can help you overcome your energetic obstacles so you can start out on the right foot. Pi Yao is an extremely powerful Feng Shui tool. This mythical Chinese creature can help you overcome obstacles, while it assists you with complex life transitions (like career or job change.) Pi Yao has the power to change your luck from bad to good, increasing your odds of overcoming seemingly impossible odds. Once it helps you land your new wonderful job, Pi Yao will increase your authority in the workplace (respect, future promotions, and responsibilities). Feel like you need to take more control of your life? The Red Dragon will help you take control of your career and future.
Remove Negative Energy - If you have been at the same job for many years or have been looking for a job some time, you may have negative energy in your workspace, home, or the job search spot. It can build up due to a lack of activity or negative experiences that occur in the space. Your soon to be former workspace, your home, and your job search spot all must be cleared of negative energy. If not, that negative energy can adhere on to you and affect your performance in job interviews.
Add Stability - Feeling insecure or like your life lacks stability? That is nothing to worry about; those feelings are very common when searching for a new job or new career identity. You will regain your security and stability and Feng Shui will help you. Add something green, or brown, or wood, or floral, or a plant, or a representation one of those things to the Family and Health Bagua area (from the front door, it is the center area of the left side of the house or of any room). All of these items symbolize wood. The tree's roots (like familial roots) symbolically will help you in your quest for increased security and stability so you will feel confident and grounded when job hunting. Another way to add stability to your career is with the Pagoda. The Pagoda will help you stabilize your career energy so you can land a job, hold on to your new job and get promoted.
Get Yourself Noticed - When someone invites you to their home for the first time, your impression of them can be affected by your first impression of the outside and entryway of their home. If you have a difficult time finding their home because it is hidden behind overgrown landscape, or the house number is hard to find, symbolically they are not easy to contact. You do not want to hide from the world, especially when you want prospective employers to beat a path to your door! Make your entryway inviting (as if your prospective employer was actually coming to your door) and easy to find. Turn on any and all lights you can (at night) at your entryway to energize and brighten the inside and outside of the entry area. Your front (main) door is the way you display yourself to the world. Just as you would not show up to a job interview in a disheveled manner, make sure you maintain your door and decorate it, as you would yourself, to gain attention during this job seeking time. When going out on job interviews, it is extremely important that you feel and look as successful as possible. The Swarovski Fame Hanging Crystal will help you increase the likelihood that you and your resume will be noticed, will help you have a good reputation as a job candidate and be recognized by recruiters as the right person for the job. It makes sure you are recognized by prospective employers for the positive things you have done and ensures your resume and application will be noticed.
Energize Your Career Area - When seeking a job, enhancing the Feng Shui Career Bagua area (from the front door, it is the front center area of the house or of any room) is very important. Swarovski Bagua Career Hanging Crystal energizes your career energy and improved career energy is exactly what you need when you are revamping your resume and sending it out, applying for jobs, going out on interviews, and making decisions about which of the fabulous job offers to take. It will also help you survive the tedium of the job search rigors. If you are making a career change, the Swarovski Bagua Career Hanging Crystal will strengthen your ability to make that life path decision. Once your new job or career change has been made, your Swarovski Bagua Career Hanging Crystal will help you be at peace in the workplace, be fulfilled, and enjoy career satisfaction and optimization.
The Right Kind of Luck - How would you like to meet just the right person at the right moment, that perfect contact to get you that dream job? Impossible you say? You think you just do not have that kind of luck. You never connect like that with the things and people you need or want. Well, it is possible. You need synchronicity, or an ability to have whatever you want through an energetic connection. What you want, who you need, when you need it. You need to make this Feng Shui adjustment to the Feng Shui Helpful People Bagua area (from the front door, it is the right front area of the house or of any room.) Adding a Swarovski Safe Traveler and Synchronicity Hanging Crystal to your Helpful People area will help you have the ability to have whatever you want, therefore you will be able to make the contacts you need for your job search. You will also be in the right place to find out about great job opportunities and advancements.
Now you have the tools to get yourself started on the road to a successful new job or a successful new career and fulfilling new life!
For more information on improving your odds of getting a new job with Feng Shui see our Feng Shui Career Cures page .