How do I use the Zen Appeal Browse by Price feature?
Posted by Zen Appeal's Mark and Leslie Jacobson on 7/21/2018 to
About Zen Appeal
When you are shopping on a budget, buying a gift, buying a fixed price gift or want to buy a bunch of stocking stuffers (perfect for holiday shopping), our Zen Appeal feature comes in handy. On the left navigation section of the page (just below the categories, towards the middle of the page) you will find the Browse by Price feature. Click on either $10 and Under, Affordable Feng Shui or Over $30. The $10 and Under section includes all of our products that are priced ten dollars and under. The Affordable Feng Shui section includes all of our products that are priced between ten dollars and thirty dollars. The Over $30 section includes all of our products that are priced thirty dollars and over. We've got every budget covered. Zen Appeal - Your Feng Shui Store .